IE0780 : Compressor Control & Protection
Compressor Control & Protection
COURSE TITLE : IE0780 : Compressor Control & Protection
COURSE DATE : Feb 09 - Feb 13 2025
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Said Ghanem
VENUE : Doha, Qatar
COURSE FEE : $ 6000
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Course Description

This course is designed to provide delegates with a detailed and up-to-date overview of compressor control and protection. It covers the various types of compressors and their functions; the characteristics of surge including its consequences; the key aspects of compressor control and anti-surge protection and preventions; and the various applications of advanced compressor control and how to control using loop decoupling.
The course will also discuss the effects of operating conditions and improves knowledge on surge curve plotting methods; the turbine control objectives and principles according to actuator speed kW droop control; and the turbine system availability objectives and the correct level of redundancy.
During this interactive course, participants will learn to apply several integrated turbine and compressor control approaches as well as the technology updates and distinguish the functions of various control and protection devices in relation to internal relief value, internal motor temperature sensors and crankcase heaters.

link to course overview PDF


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies:

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable:

Certificates : Only soft copy certificates will be issued
Training Materials : Only soft copy materials will be issued
Training Methodology : 80% theory, 20% practical
Training Program : 4 hours per day, from 09:30 to 13:30


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Certified Functional Safety Expert (CFSE)

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Compressor Control & Protection

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