IE0030 : Process Control & Instrumentation
Process Control & Instrumentation
COURSE TITLE : IE0030 : Process Control & Instrumentation
COURSE DATE : Jan 26 - Jan 30 2025
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Said Ghanem
VENUE : Dubai, UAE
COURSE FEE : $ 5500
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Course Description

Process control is becoming an increasingly important engineering topic, since the subject plays a crucial role in the design, operation and maintenance in areas such as power plants and chemical and industrial process plants. Control systems have advanced dramatically during the last decade. They become more modular and more sophisticated offering a vast variety of control functions for all the systems that operate within a modern "intelligent" facility. Enhanced functionality of the automation systems also means more complexity, interactive strategies, new technologies and systems management with resulting better control and improved reliability.
The course is designed to update participants with the latest technologies in instrumentation and process control. The course will describe the various types of sensors relating to level, pressure, flow and temperature. Also included is an in-depth look at control valves, actuators with associated accessories together with practical valve sizing and selection techniques. The topics of digital field communications and Smart transmitters form an integral part of this course.
A major part of the course is devoted to a detailed exposition of currently used control valves, the associated terminology, valve performance, valve and actuator types, control valve accessories as well as to the correct selection and sizing of control valves for a wide range of applications.
The course addresses the important issues related to valve installation and maintenance. In addition, this training course also utilizes an extensive collection of state-of-the-art, externally generated process management and video material concerned with all aspects of plant management, including smart wireless solutions to the collection of plant data. In addition, the subjects of digital control systems will be discussed with sections on Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), SCADA systems and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS).

link to course overview PDF


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies:

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable:

Certificates : Only soft copy certificates will be issued
Training Materials : Only soft copy materials will be issued
Training Methodology : 80% theory, 20% practical
Training Program : 4 hours per day, from 09:30 to 13:30


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