IE0315 : Maintain QMI (Analysers and Sample Systems)
Maintain QMI (Analysers and Sample Systems)
COURSE TITLE : IE0315 : Maintain QMI (Analysers and Sample Systems)
COURSE DATE : Feb 25 - Feb 29 2024
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Anouar Dhifallah
VENUE : Dubai, UAE
COURSE FEE : $ 5500
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Course Description

This practical and highly-interactive course includes real-life case studies and exercises where participants will be engaged in a series of interactive small groups and class workshops. This course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental overview of Maintain QMI (Analysers & Sample Systems). It covers the QMI analysers and sample systems including the basics of quality measurement instruments (QMI) in the context of process systems; the different types of analysers and their roles in maintaining process quality; the purpose and function of analysers in process systems using process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) and how these instruments integrate into the larger process system; the components of analyser sample systems and their functions and importance in the overall system; Further, the course will also discuss the procedure on how to obtain, interpret and use relevant drawings and specification data for testing and diagnosing faults in QMI equipment and sample systems; and the safety protocols and isolation techniques focusing on how to safely isolate and depressurize analysers in preparation for maintenance activities.


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies:

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable:

Certificates : Only soft copy certificates will be issued
Training Materials : Only soft copy materials will be issued
Training Methodology : 80% theory, 20% practical
Training Program : 4 hours per day, from 09:30 to 13:30


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